New Partnership: Discover San Francisco Agencies With The Egotist and Agency Spotter

Why not make it easy for people to discover all the amazing creative agencies hidden across the San Francisco Bay Area? That was the impetus behind the partnership with The San Francisco Egotist and Agency Spotter to help everyone discover San Francisco agencies.

The Bay Area has an incredible amount of startups looking for marketing and creative agencies across digital, mobile, PR, advertising and research, not to mention all the other medium and very large brands based there and leveraging agency partners heavily.

The San Francisco Egotist and Agency Spotter Partner

Agency Spotter’s research into how people search for agencies has shown that it is a very time-consuming and difficult process. Marketers and SMEs in the 80s were able to ask their friends or colleagues for a recommendation. But with the explosion of digital and continued specialization at agencies, it is a much more complex and crowded marketplace.

It has been hard for experts to scratch the surface. In the United States alone, there are over 120,000 agencies and most marketers are making a decision based on having looked at ten or twenty agencies to get to their short list.

“The aim of our partnership is to help people discover agencies for what their great at and bring to life the rich landscape of creative services that make up San Francisco and the surrounding Bay Area.” said CEO and Co-Founder, Brian Regienczuk.

Brian went on to say that, “We are excited about our first partnership and hope to see it be one of many ways we continue big growth for Agency Spotter in 2014.”

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