Top Five Videos on Web Design

To the untrained eye, web design seems pretty simple – create beautiful websites. While that fact may have been true 10 years ago, if you are still trying to create only beautiful websites, you are probably in deep trouble.

The web design space is more complex than ever before. With the explosion of data and new technology and also taking into account user experience, it’s tough for web designers and companies to stay above the curve. Web design and web marketing is always changing, and the need to get insight and hear from top thought-leaders in the space is really important. The five videos below take a look at the past, present and future of the internet, web design, digital marketing and more. These people were born to make the web a better place, so pick up some new tips from the inventor of the World Wide Web or get that quick refresher from the VP of design at Facebook. All the videos are great, so take some time and keep reading below…

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Kevin Kelly – The next 5,000 days of the web

Kevin Kelly, the founding executive editor of Wired Magazine, gives a bit of history to help us frame our thinking about what is possible going forward on the internet. At the time of the conference (December 2007), the World Wide Web was only 5,000 days old. Kelly walks us through his predictions of what will happen to the web in the next 5,000 days, which is roughly around the year 2020. Can you catch which predictions happened and which have not?


Margaret Gould Stewart – How giant websites design for you (and a billion others, too)

Margaret Gould Stewart, the VP of Product Design at Facebook, talks about the design of digital experiences from designing at scale to designing with data. In the TED Talk, Stewart outlines a couple of important principles when designing at massive scale. The first rules is that there is no such thing as a small detail. The smallest design on a website could have the biggest impact. Second is that when you are designing with data, it can’t be the only factor you use to design. There must be a good marriage between data analytics and design intuition. The third principle is that when you make change to your design, change carefully. Even though the design change may be good for users in the long run, it is difficult for users to easily accept the change. And the last principle, which maybe the most simple but often overlooked, is know who you are designing for.


Tim Berners-Lee – A Magna Carta for the web

Sir Tim Berners-Lee, famously known for creating the World Wide Web, gives a TED Talk on how different factors like filter bubbles and centralized corporate control can threaten the openness and access of the internet. Berners-Lee proposes that to build the kind of internet we want, users from around the world must create a Bill of Rights for the web.


Connecting – Trends in UI, Interaction, & Experience Design

Design thought-leaders from some of the top agencies and brands come together to talk about the future of interaction design, user experience, “Internet of Things” and our place with highly interconnected technology.


Patrick Dixon – Future Digital Marketing

Patrick Dixon, futurist keynote speaker and serial entrepreneur, talks about how traditional marketing has become obsolete and gives his take on the future of PPC, mobile, data analytics and more. He provides insights in digital marketing from companies like Uber and touches on many different spaces from the web, sales, social marketing and digital retail.


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